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Trackstick II

This product is finally out — the Trackstick II for 180$. It’s a small cheap GPS stick which can constantly track it’s location down to 15 meters anywhere in the world and store months of data using very little power. You can then map that data using Google earth to see your path/time.

I’d love this for traveling, hiking and snowboarding. Being able to track each days up/downs would be very fun. I’ve seen people already doing this and it’s awesome. Provides a great record of all your adventures!

“The Trackstick records its own location, time, date, speed, heading and altitude at preset intervals. With over 1Mb of memory, it can store months of travel information. The Trackstick is the perfect tool for individuals looking for a way to track anything that moves. Use it for recording the exact routes you take when hiking, biking or vacationing. Record the location of everywhere you went, import pictures and other information into Google™ Earth to offer an entirely new perspective of your journey.”
